Thursday, August 19, 2010

So , I was on a roll

I was posting daily , although not about anything of any particular interest . I have to admit if felt therapeutic to just ramble on in hopes someone was reading . With my husband often at one job or another , that leaves my days with the kids .As much as I love them I can only talk about Mario Brothers, iCarly and play Hot wheels so many times in a day before I just need to vent . My husband is often bombarded at Midnight by a phone call from me just telling him the adult related parts of my day, and that generally pertains to : what someone said on facebook , or some drama that's going on in a forum I belong to ,what deal I was able to snag at the grocery store or CVS . But nothing that's all that interesting to him ,but I have to give him credit , he listens ,laughs and asks questions and offers his input when he thinks im asking for it.. But how much , I'm not sure becuase he rarely remembers any of it the next time I bring it up .. but I love him anyway .

I do have some exciting news to share . My store is completed , well the graphic work is . You can see it here : .I am very excited about it .. I am planning to have a grand opening stocking mid September , I will be doing some collaborations with some other WAHM friends . So i hope that it is a successful stocking. The stores design work and layout was made by a friend at  , she was wonderful to work with and I am very pleased . If you are ever needing any graphics work you should totally check her out .

Sunday, August 15, 2010

you really should , make lunch fun

So I have a third grader... say it again . I have a third grader , yea it was just as weird the 2nd time as it was the first . I feel older now than I did while adjusting to have a kinder gardener, lol . But we will survive , its when my now 4 year old and 2 year old start school I may really freak out .

We have had some issues with A , we'll just say "tummy issues". There are some issues that run in our family , on my mainly my fathers side, And as much help knowing family history can ease your mind it  can cause an equal amount stress. So , knowing what we know and researching what we didnt .My husband and I have decieded to start switching A's diet to a more gluten reduced  diet.All  while doing that towards the goal of a gluten free diet for her and hopefully a significantly reduced diet for everyone else. I am not a doctor by anymeans , but like i said before , knowing what I know this wont hurt anything. 

In an effort to make her transition more fun and not like a punishment ( lots of yummy foods are NOT gluten free ). I have chosen to pack her lunches for school "bento style"..Bento originates in Japan and roughly translates to "conveinant" or " conveinance ". A traditional bento consists of , rice ,meat and veggies .. but when packing a bento lunch for a child , at our house anyway , typically means . Fun shaped cut sandwiches ,fruit pieces , a sweet snack  , some crackers and cheese slices . A favorite of my kids is Cucumber sandwiches  , and being that they are so easy ... well lets just say we eat them often  in the summer :). 

There are many many blogs around with tips,tricks and other information on bentos.. hear are a few of my personal favorite : another lunch (making lunch fun with bento ) , 360 Lunch boxes on facebook . They have some great information. Be sure to check them out . Tonight I just made pizza pockets from the "another lunch" and they were delicious , Maybe once I get more confident with my bento making skills I will post some pictures also.

So bento style or not , whats a fun lunch recipe for children? something easy to prepare but fun to eat .. If you have something , please share :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

you really should , plan ahead

Happy Friday the 13th, I hope you had a fantastic day. Mine was no different that had it been Friday the 12th or 14th.. 

So back to the topic of today's post... "Plan Ahead". I am actually going to start on some Christmas gifts now , in August,seriously. I've always got an eye out for a good deal, but these particular gifts are going to be handmade. No, not picture frames out of popsicle sticks, or a yard of fleece with the ends cut and tied together given as a blanket , or even potpourri crammed in a mason jar with a strand of Christmas lights.These will actually be knitted items the first one is going to be a pair of "Punky Gauntlets" a pattern I found on Raverly ( a knitting/crocheting forum). After searching hundreds of patterns and ideas I had for the gift. After finally deciding on this pattern I learned the author also has a blog that I am sharing with you :) Doublepointed , is the name of her blog and to be honest I have only read this pattern , so I cant vouch for the rest of the content.

These will be for a younger cousin , I am undecided on what colors still .As Im wanting to choose something that will coordinate with more clothing items , BUT having said that , if you knew the cousin these were for. she would wear them if they were neon and polka dot. I really think she will love this. I have other knitting plans on my agenda , a cowl for my aunt ( pattern to be determined later ) , some fingerless mitts for my daughter , and depending on how those go , I will add more from there, but those are my for sure items. I will be updating with the progress of the projects as progress happens .

For the first (and hardest ) part of knitting a project is , what yarn? what weight? what color? solid or variegated? So I am seeking your input.... 16 year old , wild and funky/fun girl... what colors would you make the sleeves in? I had thought about blue,light blue and white striped... but always open to suggestions.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

one can of SPAM

I know I said I am a stay at home mom , and I am . For now, I would love to have a job , a job outside of the home that is actually worth my time... but that's a whole nother post for another day. But I do have a "side gig" if you would on the side. It all started with wanting things mainly clothes for my kids that no one else had. Well, best way to do that is make it yourself.... and that's when Decky Doodle was created.

Decky Doodle specializes in tye dyed ,shirts and play silks and hand screen printed shirts .You should check it out if you have a few minutes. You can also follow Decky Doodle on Facebook and see examples of my past work.

and just because, here is my little model (as enthusiastic as the next 2 year old boy being made to stand still outside while everyone else is playing ) my little Decky Doodle 

making insomnia work , progress on the blog

Obviously , I am awake at 2:45am. I cant sleep "/ not much fun.... so I go to work. Not sure what it's called when a person gets an idea and doesn't stop until completed or content with the results... but I get that sometimes,And not about things that matter lol... for instance there is a basket of towels that could have been folded tonight. nope. Not to forget the vast amount of laundry that could be done, dishes and just straightening up in general, but instead I spend 2 hours searching for the perfect blog layout only to put the whole project on hold becuase the right one just wasn't out there. So I am right back where I started.

But I did add a page of sites with a little description of the site, The page is named "where you can find me online" there are other pages to add to that list but those are the ones that came to me right away.

So to pass your time online, where do you "hang out"? I'm always open to a new catchy ,informative blog to read.Funny picture sharing site ( people of walmart lol )  So please, share :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New to the blogging world

Thank you for coming by, i guess is appropriate to say.. as the title states.. I am new to blogging. So please bear with me. I read A LOT of blogs, daily. I have some favorites that I plan to make reference to in the future.

 I have many friends and aquatinces that have told me though the years that "you really should start a blog" , now why? I dont know . and even when I would ask them "why?" they never had a real answer... I think it's a nice way to say maybe that I'm weird and no one else will believe them when they talk about me, or maybe Im a genius and need to share my vast knowledge of misc. who really knows lol .

But either way.. here I am.

Being a Stay at home mom of 3 kids , only one school age ( that would be our daughter ) we'll call her A , it's me and our 2 boys home during the day . I have lots to do ,but as other stay at home moms know it also means I have nothing to do . How at the same time could I have lots and nothing to do at the same time? well , Im not sure. If I figure it out I will be sure to share :)