Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So it's the end of November

Did you reflect on what your thankful for ? I had planned to but just couldnt do it daily like I had intended.

I dont really know what to post about today , I feel like there is alot to post about . But well , there's no way I can say it without sinking to the level of the person who has me upset. So i'll leave it at that.

I have started some more serious Christmas shopping, Although I really dont have much of an idea on what to get the kids. They dont need anything and want everything so.... yea some help asking them is.

Maybe i'llhave some great finds to post about and share later this week .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

you really should ,be thankful

I dont have an excuse as to where I have been... Other than just busy with life in general. Getting items dyed for my store , helping some family members out, and enjoying my kids.

Today , I am not going to go back and name something for every day i missed, although I said I would, Ive changed my mind.  I am allowed to do that.

But the past couple days I have spent my escapes online following other blogs with giveaways,promo codes, and referral contests. I have cashed in over 140$ of giftcards for completely free to me . I have knocked out a couple gifts for friends and some family , So i would have to say today I am thankful for my thrifty friends, online and in real life. without them I would probably miss most of the deals Im able to grab , then well.... I would be sad lol.

Monday, November 8, 2010

You really should , be thankful #8

So I'll be honest. This has proven to be harder than I thought it would be. Thinking of a legitimate thing daily I am thankful for , Beyond a cliche friends, family and my health kinda thing. So if these seem a little off , I am sorry. I am trying.

November 8th

I guess today , I find myself being thankful for my children. I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. I wouldn't have the relationship I have with my husband if we had not grown together to love these guys. I would not have the appreciation I have for my parents If I wasn't a parent myself. I would not find the happiness I have when my kids spend time with my grand parents .I am so thankful to have 3 great happy , healthy children. I'll be honest every day is no walk in the park. In fact , some days I want to lock the door on my way out and leave for possibly , depending on the day , a few days. I couldn't do that , not only cause it's illegal . But I just couldn't be away from my kids like that and for really any amount of time. The rare occasion David and I get a chance to go out without kids, we both find ourselves , talking about them and just plain missing them .

I know people, some are "friends" who find their children as a burden, an inconvenience. I could never truly think of my children that way . The thing about them that gets to me the most is the part about them being so open about it. To talk about it like it's normal to be inconvenienced  by the blessings that children are to a couple.What I have to say about those people are, Thank you for making me feel that much more thankful for my children, I must be doing something right to be against the majority of parents my age with more than one child that openly talks about how they feel when it comes to being a parent.

I mean seriously , how can you NOT love the heck out of these guys?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

you really should , be thankful #6 & #7

So , I know again , I am posting a double thankful for post.... BUT... not like anyone knows this is there right? whos gonna complain? Let's just say someone is or might one day read this, and that's why I am posting... On the 6th and 7th of November , I want to say how thankful I am for Medical Science. I say this  because a family member was put into ICU after a pretty routine hysterectomy went bad , She had a cyst in her stomach that ruptured and caused her to have an infection in her blood stream that then spread to her lungs. and then that made it so that she couldnt breathe on her own and had to be put on a ventilator. Well you could imagine going into the hospital for a routine surgery then waking up hooked up to basically life support , she woke in a panic and tried to remove the tubes herself so they had to sedate her to keep her from hurting herself. I got word from my cousin ( her son ) that she is improving . I am so thankful for that news. I am thankful for the Medical staff that can take care of her and the science to enable them to do that for her. 

I think that is worth 2 days of being thankful posts , it being such a big deal to me and all . 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

you really should , be thankful #4 & #5

So , I burnt the roll I was on  no pun intended. Thursday we had a family emergency . My brother had a small house fire , in the kitchen. he was burnt 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his chest and arm , some small burns on his face  leg and foot. All in all he is doing fine was only kept in the hospital for a couple hours and has been home since . 

So obviously I am thankful for My brother's well-being and the fire department for being there for him and helping..

I know this is a super short post and even shorter when you consider it's 2 combined in one , But I will return tonight and post #6

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You really should , be thankful #3

Well... day 3 and I am 3 for 3 ... I have actually posted everyday so far , all 3 of them lol .

November 3

Today's thing I am thankful for might seems a little non conventional . Something most people would loathe , well maybe not loathe but not be thankful for. Today I am thankful for rainy, cold fall days. I am thankful for these days becuase my boy and I cuddled on the couch watching cartoons all morning. I am thankful for rainy days because we staying in our pajamas all day . the boys took a 2 hour nap , at the same time while I just relaxed. Cleaned my kitchen and started on the de-cluttering I need to do in there to prepare to pain it . Once A come home from school D was awake and G was still sleeping. We all just hung out around the house. Topped a lazy day off with ordering pizza for dinner , then making Magic Cookie Bars for desert.

after posting on Facebook about the cookie bars , I thought I would share the recipe here , although I did not make it up ,Nor am I the first person to blog about them I'm sure.. here they are :)

First you mix graham cracker crumbs and melted butter together until all are moist and it's moldable

You then press the mixture into a baking dish about 1/4-1/2 inch thick

poor one can of condensed milk over the top of the mixture

cover that with coconut flakes

cover that with chocolate chips

bake on about 300 degree's until lightly browned , cool , cut, and eat

there they are  nothing super special , nor are my pictures.... but like I said before I am thankful for rainy cold days , cause no other day would have motivated me to make a batch of these , and spend the day laying around enjoying my boys company

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You really should , be thankful #2

Well.. day 2 out of ... how many ? like 30.... yea well we'll do this one day at a time .

I would like to say , these are in no particular order. What I feel thankful for that day could be sparked by something that was said while I was by my laptop and had a few minutes to post.

Today I want to say how thankful I am for my husband , David. This is gonna sound kinda sappy I'm sure , maybe even corny. And if you know me.. neither of those things are me . Dave and I have been together for 11 years this December, and married for 7 as of June 6th 2010.  He has always worked very hard to take care of our family.I couldn't have asked for a greater man . I don't really know what else to say without getting cliche' . I just have to leave it at , I am so Thankful to share my life and family with him and couldn't ask for more.

I took this picture with my phone.... I have an app on there , it's retro cameras. This one obviously is a Polaroid , also if you didn't assume as much but this is my husband . lol.

I sometimes think I should write down a list so I know what to post about the next day, Although I think not planning it makes it more sincere.Who knows? I'll just keep trying to post on here daily and avoid Facebook status thankful posts ..

Monday, November 1, 2010

You really should , be thankful

Since this is November , obviously as you know the month that contains Thanksgiving. I intend to spend each day posting what I am thankful for . There will be more than one thing to be thankful for daily I am certain of but I plan to just elaborate on one a day :) 

November 1st 

We didnt do a whole lot , the boys and I hung out around the house most the morning , and then went to my mom's to break down her swimming pool.. Which she gave to me. Basically my kids are the ones who swim in it anyway lol . I think mostly she was just tired of taking care of it when she wasnt really using and the main catch with it being mine now was.... I had to take it down . blah. 

But today I am thankful for my sister, Katie.. My only sister. She is 7 years younger than me , and was actually born on the eve of my 7th birthday .My gift of sorts, I mean what 7 year old girl doesn't want a real baby for their birthday lol. But in the last 10 year or more Katie and I are really close. She's my right hand and now that she has children of her own ( often pictured on here ) I'm glad to be there for her. But she's always ready to help me out and I am thankful for that. She even got the dead bird out of the pool , and kept helping me despite how nasty the pool water was , all 5 inches of the green ,funky water that was in there from the rain last week . She didn't have to , but she did.

So that's my sappy I'm thankful for my sister post ..  It's easy to chant of things you should be thankful for when asked. The cliche' things , family , friends and good health . But to elaborate on WHY you are thankful for those things can really make you think.