Sunday, August 15, 2010

you really should , make lunch fun

So I have a third grader... say it again . I have a third grader , yea it was just as weird the 2nd time as it was the first . I feel older now than I did while adjusting to have a kinder gardener, lol . But we will survive , its when my now 4 year old and 2 year old start school I may really freak out .

We have had some issues with A , we'll just say "tummy issues". There are some issues that run in our family , on my mainly my fathers side, And as much help knowing family history can ease your mind it  can cause an equal amount stress. So , knowing what we know and researching what we didnt .My husband and I have decieded to start switching A's diet to a more gluten reduced  diet.All  while doing that towards the goal of a gluten free diet for her and hopefully a significantly reduced diet for everyone else. I am not a doctor by anymeans , but like i said before , knowing what I know this wont hurt anything. 

In an effort to make her transition more fun and not like a punishment ( lots of yummy foods are NOT gluten free ). I have chosen to pack her lunches for school "bento style"..Bento originates in Japan and roughly translates to "conveinant" or " conveinance ". A traditional bento consists of , rice ,meat and veggies .. but when packing a bento lunch for a child , at our house anyway , typically means . Fun shaped cut sandwiches ,fruit pieces , a sweet snack  , some crackers and cheese slices . A favorite of my kids is Cucumber sandwiches  , and being that they are so easy ... well lets just say we eat them often  in the summer :). 

There are many many blogs around with tips,tricks and other information on bentos.. hear are a few of my personal favorite : another lunch (making lunch fun with bento ) , 360 Lunch boxes on facebook . They have some great information. Be sure to check them out . Tonight I just made pizza pockets from the "another lunch" and they were delicious , Maybe once I get more confident with my bento making skills I will post some pictures also.

So bento style or not , whats a fun lunch recipe for children? something easy to prepare but fun to eat .. If you have something , please share :)

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