Sunday, October 31, 2010

you really should , turn your porch light off if you dont want Trick or Treaters

When I was a kid on Halloween.. It was a race to the next house , while trick or treating. Skipping the houses that had their porch lights off. If your porch light was off , it meant you were out trick or treating with your own kids. Or just a jerk and didnt want to be cool and liked getting your house rolled/egged.. Tonight after taking my kids trick or treating im assuming many have forgotten that little rule of thumb about Halloween. People werent home with the porch light on , or you could see they were home, but just didnt care to get up from the football game .. which is fine. I get some people dont or cant hand out candy .. but to them I say ... TURN OFF YOUR PORCH LIGHT most people know that and wont send their kids up there .

but my goofy rant aside I thought I would share a couple pictures of my kiddos in their costumes.. My 3 went as the Mario Gang , We even roped my mom's Lhasa Apso/Terrier into it as Toad .. People loved them

Mario and Luigi

Our Mario has moved on from Plubing and is venturing into small engine repair

His motto is... If you cant fix it .... just kick it


My Mario Gang : Mario , Luigi,Princess Peach and My mom's dog as Toad

Nephew as Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba
Basically a Nephew  , as Bruce he also had a little Nemo he was carrying around

Niece as a garden gnome , but for trick or treating she was a butterfly... you know when they are that cute it's hard to pick just one costume lol

Nephew and Niece as Monkey and Vampiress

So that was my weekend.. Friday , Saturday and Sunday all had activities that required the kids to be dressed up , which was a blast for them im sure lol but for me keeping up with Mario and Luigi's hats, dealing with overalls on potty breaks and the many costume malfunctions of Princess Peach lol ... I am ready to be done and relax... for a whole 3 weeks that is lol.. G is already talking about decorating for Christmas lol ....

What were your trick or treaters?

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