Thursday, September 16, 2010

So I lied about that "roll" I had going on

I have thought many times over the last days about my blog, and how I started with intentions of posting daily. I kept true to those intentions for about a week , then just dwindled off... I suppose life does that to you ,though.

So these are things that will throw a stick in your spokes , and to say the least not make this blog my first thing I do when I get time to get online :)

1) Hard working husband's employer had to make some major cut backs, luckily he wasnt laid off but he did have a pretty significant pay cut ( temporarily ) and his hours had been disappearing because the lack of work that lead to the lay offs ...

2)Fast pitch softball for A

3) start of school year :) we now have a 3rd grader

4) my dad and his wife came to TN for a couple days, they brought my grandmother <3 to our house for a cookout , I then took the kids west to join them for a day in Gatlinburg , we all had a blast

5) some major dental work for myself and some minor stuff for the kids , A just had some sealants to be done ,but our oldest little guy G had to have a root canal , and he's 4 :( , Im not done yet but when I am done I will have had a total of 3 root canals , 1 crown , 2 Bridges and 2 fillings .... and lets just say even though we have some pretty awesome dental insurance they only paid 1000$ , and well...... I could have bought a car with the cost of my new chompers

and then just every day kinda stuff gets in there too .. and well I havent even told anyone about my blog yet , so I dont think anyone even reads it ( if you do , please comment lol ) but I dont have any obligation to post ,

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