Thursday, November 8, 2012

Be thankful #7

Well , if I had any followers they might notice that this post is actually a day late. But I am doing my best to keep up with it.  The day light savings time change is messing with our  house , we are all tired and ready for bed once it's dark and that's 6:30pm. I spent last night playing Bingo with the older two at the kitchen table , so I kinda used my "blog" time up , but I wouldn't have spent it any other way.

   I am sort of concerned with myself that this project is so difficult for me. Just thinking of something I am thankful for each day. It is so easy to talk about the things not going your way , I could list those for hours.Some are petty to many , and some a little more serious. 

  So today , I am thankful I woke up today. And not just today in  particular , but every day so far in my life. Not that there is something fantastic I need to do today , but there are things , many less desirable really.. things like laundry , dishes , cooking , running the vacuum and don't forget the endless mothering jobs , wiping butts and noses .But just think of all the things that would go un done if I didn't wake up , honestly I couldn't imagine. How many hugs would be missed , kisses , high fives ? There is an endless amount of things.

So for my make up post for yesterday , I am thankful that I wake up every morning.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Be thankful you can vote

This is day 6 of the month , also Election day. The day that you can go , place your vote for the leaders of the country. Today will be short. I am thankful I as a woman in America have the right to vote , while It's hard to believe and remember that " every vote counts" I want it to be something not taken for granted and respected. I took the kids with me today when I went to vote, I don't think they thought it was as exciting as they thought it was. But none the less my 11 year old , i think , enjoyed being a part of it .

 so that is it , off to watch more news coverage as the polls report in , and be thankful that I am able to be a part of this democracy .

Monday, November 5, 2012

be Thankful #5

So I never claimed these would be in some masterful order , or any order at all . These are just kind of as they come to mind most likely from something that happened this day. Again , while this may sound cliche' , none the less it's true.

Today I would like to tell you how thankful I am for my husband. We have been married for 9 and  half years and together for going on 13. We have 4 awesome , healthy and smart children together and I don't know what I would do without the 5 of them. He works hard every day , even when sick . He's had the same job for 10 years now and it is such an unappreciative job. It is a poorly ran company , a lot of potential but just not operated by enough people that seem to care. It's a sad situation.  He stresses daily about what he's had to deal with  , which quite honestly in any other company would probably be against some kinda fair work place policy . But this being a small company only employing about 15 people , they seem to get away with more. I wish so badly that he first didn't feel like he had to put up with so much crap  and secondly that he just didn't have to put up with the crap he does.  I am thankful that he is willing to work as hard as he does so that I can stay home with our kids , without a great hardworking husband like him, I don't know what I would do .

Sunday, November 4, 2012

be thankful #4

Day 4 ....   It is also Sunday and my weekly show comes on tonight , The Walking Dead. I have been attached to this show since the first episode . While you might be thinking... no way she's gonna say she's thankful for a zombie show.  No, as much as I love it , it's not something I am "thankful" for , not on a list of only 30 anyway.   I am thankful today for friends , and while that sounds so cliche... I am still saying it .

    and I don't mean people you talk to here and there , or people you "know"  ... I mean FRIENDS like , those people you have known for more than half of your life , or at least it feels like it .. those kind of friends.  Today my children were invited to a birthday party , for the daughter of a friend of mine. The mother and I have known each other since the 2nd grade.And while we haven't always been the best of friends through the years , when we do hang out it's like we've been around each other every day in between. Her family loves my kids like they are in their family. I am so thankful to know that "extra" people love my children , and that is what I thankful for . True friends that are considered family to be in mine and more importantly my kids lives .

Saturday, November 3, 2012

be thankful day 3

My mom playing with my youngest this last summer at the lake <3

My mom rationing out snacks to the grandkids while we all waited for fireworks this last summer
The weather today was fantastic . I couldn't have wished for nicer weather during any other season . It was a nice 75 degrees with an occasional breeze , perfect , just perfect.

   My day started out with my mom asking if we wanted to go for a picnic or a day at the park , just something to get out and enjoy the day. Not wanting to sit inside and do the cleaning I had planned on doing , we happily obliged. We then met my mom , my sister and her children at the city park for a picnic lunch. Spent the day playing on playground and enjoying the weather and before we knew it , we had been there nearly 4 hours. Days like today made me realize how much I am thankful for my mom. Like any other child I have had times that I was certain she was wrong , stupid, had no clue what she was talking about and I knew I was better of without her. But being a mother know... well , I just really know the truth lol .  My mom fought Breast Cancer in 2002 and beat it , but not after a difficult struggle. I simply could not imagine what my life would have been like if I had lost her then , being a young mother myself and still needing a mother. I sure don't know what I would do without her now , or what my kids would do without her . I am so thankful that all of my children will have the chance to be loved by her , and that she gets to watch them grow daily.

 so today I want to tell everyone how thankful I am for my mother , not only for being the best mom she knows how but for being the best grandmother she knows how to be too , Which by the way is GREAT , I couldn't imagine a better grand mother for my children , or a better teacher for myself.

Friday, November 2, 2012

be Thankful #2

I think I have chose a great time to remind myself daily of the things I have to be thankful for , like many of us , I could sure spend a lot of time talking about all the things I wish I didn't have going on in my day to day life. I think this will be good for me .

Today I would like to tell you how thankful I am of my oldest son , he is only 6 , but just seeing how great of a person he is at 6. Makes my heart soar to think how wonderful of a young man I hope he becomes. He is seriously the most thoughtful , compassionate child ever. He will gladly put his wants and feelings aside for others , strangers included. He is a wonderful big brother , a sweet little brother. He loves to read , and everything about school. He was an awesome baseball player , he's played 3 seasons now. Ending his last season with 2 home runs and winning the " most improved" award in his age group. He gives 110% of himself into everything he tries. He was the baby we tried for , for 3 years, I couldn't have asked for a better gift. He did have to spend a few days in NICU for being born at 35weeks , but at 8lb6oz you really couldn't tell. He did great and came home with no complications about a week after his birth, and has just been a joy since. I am told every time I go to the school by many staff members and other teachers , how great of a child he is , I never know what to say. Saying " i know" sounds snotty , and I can't act surprised cause I agree :)

so i will leave you with some pictures of my great little guy.
1 month old :)
riding the mini bike with his grandma

his go to picture face

that face again

his regular face :)

and what he thinks of me always wanting to take his picture

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Be Thankful #1

Since this is November , obviously as you know the month that contains Thanksgiving. I intend to spend each day posting what I am thankful for . There will be more than one thing to be thankful for daily I am certain of but I plan to just elaborate on one a day :)

November 1st 2012

 The day after Halloween, my house is a wreck, what time we've been home over the last 3 days was just short amounts of time but it was active the whole time we were here .No down time , much less time to clean. I sit here now taking a short break between cleaning while the baby sleeps , #3 is watching Scooby Doo and the older two are at school. I am warming up some cheesy potato soup for lunch and listening to the movie Alive , the one about the soccer team who's plane crashed and they were stuck in the snow filled mountains awaiting rescue. It is based on a true story , in the 70's I think. But watching it made me think , how thankful I am to just simply never have had to deal with the anxiety of being in a life or death situation. These days I am not dealing well with anxiety and often get terrible situations and scenarios stuck in my head that just spin around and stay on my mind... it's not that fun. So I am sure you just imagine the whole 2012 think is weighing pretty heavy. lol , but I just remind myself , how aggravated I will be if I was to lose track of what we are ( as a family) trying to accomplish , and then nothing happens and we've wasted all that time . so just keep on keeping on .

So my first thing I am thankful for is , how fortunate my family has been to have not had to be in a life or death situation.