Thursday, March 31, 2011

Have a hobby

So , it's Spring Break... and well the weather is not agreeing . So while A has been having sleep overs . The boys have been pretty much home bound. Its been nearly freezing at night and raining most the day..

With all the time indoors a couple of good things have come from it , my house is about 87% clean , laundry is caught up . and I picked up ANOTHER hobby.. After the boys fell in love the their Mario and Luigi figures from Pocketful of Clovers . They were constantly asking for more . So i thought with my ridiculous amount of paints on hand , I could pick up some wooden peg people and give it a try .. I am very pleased with our own little "pegple" and the boys LOVE them :)

here are a the first ones I made in the last two days , my very first was the black hair zombie and well.. we all just love him.

first one was the zombie <3 and our little ninja's

then we have Dash , Hulk , a pirate ,and Wolverine



soon to be Leonardo ( ninja turtle ) and a red headed zombie

and their backs

I imagine at this pace I'll have  my own little army before I get bored with this hobby .. but who knows there is a chance the last two will never be completed .

Friday, March 4, 2011


so, i dont know what to post about on Friday.. So i thought I would share some pictures. Without further ado and in no particular order .. 

Stock shot for Decky Doodle's listing of Chocolate dipped Gummi bears

We actually got some snow this winter :)

Our cat Joplin is not pleased

kiddos ready to play in the snow

D is loving the snow

Igloo my brother , sister and myself built ALL of snow

Snow wears a boy out.. this was at the dinner table <3
Thanks for looking :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

try to get some sleep

that's something I hear all.the.time.Said to me like it's no big deal , like it's something I can JUST do.. don't you think I know most of my peers are sleeping at 11: 58 on a Tuesday night? don't you think I am aware that I am not?  I don't really have a reason why? no new stress , not really working on anything specific. Kids are actually in bed, Hubs is at work.. I am just up , online. Thinking.. about what ? you ever wonder at any random moment what an insomniac has on their mind? well lets see.........

Wishing I had found an ink pen before now so i could have signed oldest school papers so i wont be rushed to do it in the morning

thinking about taking the trash cans to the road in the morning for pick up 

hoping boys cooperate in the morning as they are spending a couple hours with my sister while I volunteer at local consignment sale

volunteering at local consignment sale for 5 hours tomororw 

not going to see my husband until he's leaving for work again Wednesday night

Hoping oldest really likes the cat in the hat shirt I dyed for her tonight , tomorrow is Dr.Suess's birthday ya know ;) 

needing to go to grocery store and Sams club

how badly I want to de-clutter every room in my house at once . including garage

how much I loathe my laptop for not holding a charge and debating with myself on getting a new one

and well really , i could go on .. but that was literally all that came to mind in one minute ,60 seconds of not thinking gets me that... 

so maybe now, off to browse Etsy or eBay , see if there is some retail therapy for this insomnia :)